‘It's A Total Nightmare Isn't It?’ eating healthy, tasty food when out and about

How many of us find it difficult to stick to our healthy regime when eating out?  Yes, it is a rhetorical question...yet the key to any successful weight loss programme is consistency! So if every time you go out for a meal you are breaking that, you are setting yourself up to fail.  That does not mean that you have to become a recluse and never socialise, you absolutely can!  Let me share with you my top tips for finding a balance that suits your life without ruining your nutrition and ultimately your body goals.

Transformational Nutrition eating healthy when out

1. Don’t take an all or nothing approach

This is by far the biggest and yet the most common mistake people make; oh I have been so good all week, I deserve a blow out meal this weekend!!!  Come on, the majority of us have at least thought it.  We seem to think that because we can’t control exactly what is going in our food, we can go totally off plan and literally ‘park’ our healthy regime!  But this can lead to massive overeating that will ruin the calorie deficit you have worked so hard on all week!  One indulgent meal out can quite literally put you back at square one so why do we do it to ourselves?  If we are simply more mindful, we can still enjoy our food when dining out without then making ourselves completely miserable when we step on the scales a few days later!  

2. Eat a meal of protein and veggies beforehand

Going out for a meal starving is never a good strategy - we are almost certainly going to over eat!  So, eat a small meal a couple of hours or so before.  This should be relatively low in calories so include plenty of vegetables and a protein sources; this will give you the most bang for your buck so to speak!

Transformational Nutrition top tips when eating out, protein

3. Be conscious about what you’re ordering

I am by no means saying order only a side salad without the dressing; you may as well have remained a hermit!  What I am saying is try to find a balance and make sensible swaps where you can.  if you are craving a huge bowl of pasta, go for it but chose a tomato based one.  If you fancy a big steak, have one but maybe ask for a jacket potato instead of fries.  Also, ask them to put a sauce or dressing on the side so your food isn’t saturated with it; adding a bit less can literally save you hundreds of calories This way you are still satisfying yourself without sacrificing so many calories and thus your waistline!

Transformational Nutrition eating healthy when out, dressing on side

5. Stay hydrated

Not only can thirst often be misunderstood for hunger, drinking plenty beforehand will keep your tummy fuller so you aren’t craving those stodgy appetizers as soon as you enter the building!  Try sipping water throughout your meal also.  Don’t deprive yourself of a glass of wine of two if you wish but again, try not to overindulge.  Not only is alcohol empty calories which is a double whammy with calorific food, it can also give us the impression that we are hungrier than we actually are!

6. Take your time

Don’t rush your food; it takes a while for our stomach to signal to the brain that it is full which is why we sometimes end up uncomfortably full and feeling sick!  If you take your time, you may find that you don’t actually need that massive bowl of chips on the side!

7. Plan where you can

If possible, look up the menu online beforehand.  Some restaurants now even share the nutritional values.  I must admit that I am not a massive fan of this but it can be a real eye opener and can make or break your adherence.  

8. Don’t fall for ‘low-carb’ options

Carbohydrates are not bad and will NOT make you fat.  What will make you gain weight is eating more calories than you are expending!  Low carb doesn’t necessarily mean low cal; a creamy chicken dish can be more loaded in calories and fat than a thin crust margarita.

9. Always know be aware of what you ordering

If you like the sound of something but aren’t completely sure how it is cooked, ask!!!  I will never forget ordering chilli chicken for the first time - I was expecting a healthyish stir fried style dish and was presented with deep fried chicken coated in a sticky, sugar laden sauce!!  Much easier to change your mind before ordering than send it back - or decide, ah stuff it, it’s here now...I have been good all week……..

So to sum up, it is absolutely possible to eat out and still adhere to your weight loss plan.  OK, you’re no going to get it perfect but that isn’t what you should be aiming for; consistency trumps perfection every time which is great news for those of us who want a life too!  A little planning and more attention to what you are ordering will make all the difference between your success or downfall in achieving your body goals.

This was brought to you by Rebecca Flannery, Specialist Nutrition Coach at Transformational Nutrition.  You can find more details about the services offered at https://www.facebook.com/TransNutrition1/


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