
Why Meal Plans Don’t Work; Top Tips To Transform Your Diet Without One

Everyone wants a meal plan right?  Something that will make that new diet easier to follow without us having to think too much.  Many Personal Trainers and Nutritionists are taught to create meal plans and we therefore expect them.  But could this expectation be exactly what is setting our healthy eating regime up for failure? Why Meal Plans Rarely Work So you finally have that new meal plan that you have been looking forward to all week!!  This is going to make life so much easier, no more thinking about what you should be eating on top of everything else in your hectic life!  This plan is totally going to keep you on track and stop you reaching for the biscuit tin….. The truth, however, is that such plans are usually very rigid; you must eat this, at this time, in this quantity.  That might sound very tempting initially but life inevitably gets in the way. You day doesn’t go to plan, an occasion crops up, you get sick or some days you may ju...

The Benefits and Value That Macronutrients Provide Your Body

In order to survive, human beings require macronutrients (which are carbohydrate, protein and fat), and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). The three macronutrients contribute different values within our body and all three supply us with calories and energy. We therefore need these nutrients in relatively large amounts in order to function, grow and prosper. Consider the term macro as meaning large. Micronutrients are equally important but are required in much smaller quantities to support our physical and mental health. In addition to macro and micronutrients, our bodies need water to survive.   Water is vital and ensures nutrients are distributed to the body’s cells and toxins are removed. For the purpose of this article though, let’s take a closer look at macronutrients! CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates are a key energy source for the body. They are made up of chains of small units containing sugar.   These are easily broken down by the digestive system en...

Top Tips To Make Sure You Are Getting The Most Out Of Your Sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in your physical and emotional health.  It is just as important as exercise and eating well.   It gives your body time to rest and recover from the day’s activities so that you are ready to seize the next day.  Fast paced, western lifestyles are, however, impeding on this and whilst we are all striving for optimal health, we are overlooking one of its key components.   We also live in a society that thinks there is a quick fix for everything, including sleep.  Too many of us are therefore reaching for medication to ‘help’ us without realising that they can have adverse effects and do not always lead to ‘quality’ sleep; they can actually lead to nightmares and depression . The truth is that you don’t need to take such dramatic measures to improve your sleep hygiene; it all comes down to small, consistent changes.  Just as with any good diet or exercise programme, you in fact need to establish some healthy habits that will g...

‘It's A Total Nightmare Isn't It?’ eating healthy, tasty food when out and about

How many of us find it difficult to stick to our healthy regime when eating out?  Yes, it is a rhetorical question...yet the key to any successful weight loss programme is consistency! So if every time you go out for a meal you are breaking that, you are setting yourself up to fail.   That does not mean that you have to become a recluse and never socialise, you absolutely can!  Let me share with you my top tips for finding a balance that suits your life without ruining your nutrition and ultimately your body goals. 1. Don’t take an all or nothing approach This is by far the biggest and yet the most common mistake people make; oh I have been so good all week, I deserve a blow out meal this weekend!!!  Come on, the majority of us have at least thought it.   We seem to think that because we can’t control exactly what is going in our food, we can go totally off plan and literally ‘park’ our healthy regime!  But this can lead to massive ov...